Severe headache and blocked nose for a week? In our modern sedentary lifestyle, we have become used to not noticing the chronic ailments and issues in our body. We start our day sometimes with a small irritation in the throat and nasal blockages. We tend to push a pill or two and go about our day ahead. These lifestyle choices do impact us for a long time. Ayurved however, has a perfect answer to all such minor issues we face in day to day life. Nasya is an intranasal procedure in 5 steps Panchakarma, which acts at local and systemic levels.
It is well established in Ayurved classics, that there is a close relationship between the nose (nasa )and brain (shiras) . Nose is one among the panchendriyas (five sense organs) whose function is not limited to olfaction and respiration but is also the pathway to brain . The medicine administered through the nostrils reach up to the brain eliminates the deep seated doṣhas.
Hence the nasya treatment is effective in local conditions like sinusitis as well as effective in neuroendocrine dysfunctions. Medicines administrated through nasal passage have healing and soothing effect on the mind, pranvayu, i.e. breathing, sadhak pitta and majja dhatu, i.e. marrow and nerve tissues.
The headaches and cough issues we face regularly are due to the accumulation of pollutants in the nasal passage and our inability to adapt to the surroundings
Nasya cures most of the headaches, sinus issues, nasal blockages, infections etc.
Aum Ayurveda recommends nasya to treat various neurological dysfunctions and ENT diseases in the body. Hyper pigmentation can also be cured with proper nasya treatment.
Indications of nasya
- Headaches
- E.N.T. diseases
- Facial paralysis
- Cervical spondylitgiss
- cataract
- Hyper pigmentation
- Hair fall and graying of hair
Benefits of Nasya
- Nasya cleanses, purifies and strengthens the nasal passages, allowing the patient to breathe efficiently again. Nasya is a recommended remedy for congestion, allergies, sinusitis, headaches, migraine, cervical spondylosis, hair fall, premature greying of hair, rhinitis and other nasal infections.
- Nasya is used in the management of following conditions at Aum Ayurveda & Panchakarma Clinic
- Pain Management: Medicated oils or powders stimulate some vital centers of the brain that reduce pain perception. Nasya is beneficial in the treatment of headaches, Migraine and Cervical Spondylosis.
- Detoxification: Nasyam is one of the panchakarmas and is an essential detoxification therapy.
- Stress Reduction: It includes administration of medicated drugs or oils through nostrils. It stimulates the vital centers of the brain that regulate emotions.
- Detoxification: Nasya is one of the panchakarmas and is an essential detoxification therapy.
- Skin & Hair Care: With regular treatment, Nasya can improve skin complexion. It can also promote hair texture and prevent greying of hair.
- Paralysis: As mentioned in Ayurved nose is the opening to reach the brain, any medicine instilled in nasal cavity acts directly on the mind.
- Elderly Care: Ayurvedic Nasya treatment can be used in disorders that develop with increasing age such as pain, paralysis, stress, etc.
- Immunity:Use of Immunity boosting herbs for Nasya can be beneficial in people who show low Immunity.
- Eye Care: Medications administered through nasal cavity act on the specific area of the brain that is involved in regulating vision.
- Mental Health:Medication administered through nasal cavity act on the specific area of the brain to improve mood and emotions.