Raktamokshana is one among the principle cleansing (Shodhan) therapy. It refers to the controlled removal of the blood in small quantities by judicious use of various methods viz. Sira vedh (venisection) and Jalouka avacharan (leech therapy). It is an important
When diseases/ vitiated doshas do not respond to palliative measures, the causative factor is considered to be blood borne. Raktamokshana treatment is very safe & effective treatment & essential part of the treatment protocol for blood purification and to treat blood borne disorders.
Many allergic conditions, systemic diseases and skin diseases are caused by toxins related to blood. Pitta and rakta have higher affinity for each other. Due to similarity in their nature, vitiated pitta can concentrate in the blood and disrupts rakta dhatu. This comradeship gives rise to acute symptoms of pitta and rakta vitiation. Raktamokshanas in such conditions is advised in to cleanse the Rakta Dhatu or blood and can provide rapid and dramatic results.
- Before proceeding with Raktamokshana, Sarvabhyanga and Swedana need to be done for 1 to 3 days.
- After examining the patient, a specific procedure type is selected for raktamokshana and blood is taken out in the desired quantity.
Indications of Raktamokshan
- Swelling, burning sensation, suppuration, rashes, Gout
- Skin diseases, elephantiasis, toxic conditions of blood
- Fibroid, tumor, mastitis, heaviness of body
- Conjunctivitis, sinusitis, herpes, liver abscess, spleen abscess
- Suppuration and burning sensation in ears, nose, lips, oral cavity, headaches
Benefits of Raktamokshan
- Many allergic conditions, systemic diseases and skin diseases are caused by toxins related to blood. Pitta and rakta have higher affinity for each other. Due to similarity in their nature, vitiated pitta can concentrate in the blood and disrupts rakta dhatu. This comradeship gives rise to acute symptoms of pitta and rakta vitiation. Raktamokshanas in such conditions is advised in to cleanse the Rakta Dhatu or blood and can provide rapid and dramatic results.
- It is also useful for specific vata-kapha related conditions like alopecia, chronic dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. It is also effective in a specific disease called “visarpa” which means “ spreading diffusing “. Theses conditions correlate to variety of conditions like herpes, erysipelas, bullous pemphigoid, cellulitis, blisters. Raktamokshan is found effective in the management of such conditions.
- Raktamokshan is also beneficial in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, osteo-arthritis, gout.
- It can be judiciously used in conditions like glaucoma, liver and spleen disorders, non-healing diabetic wounds, hypertension, thrombosis, filariasis.
- Raktamokshan marks the end of five-step intensive Panchakarma treatment. The overall quality of day to day activities and health of any patient improves.
- Ayurved treats the very core of disease in any patient. Thus, the entire process of Panchakarma along with Raktamokshan eradicates issues from the base. It is advised to the patient to maintain a healthy diet along with adequate exercise to get maximum benefits of Panchakarma and elevated lifestyle with Aum Ayurveda.